When it comes to green walls, you'll be able to choose between preserved green walls and living ones. In this article, we'll go over the differences between the two, so that you know what will suit your home or office the best.
The possibilities
The possibilities are somewhat the same, but there is one big difference. Living green walls are able to be placed indoors and outdoors. Preserved green walls can only be placed indoors, but this is also where they prosper, read further to find out why we make this claim.
Another difference is that only preserved green walls can be made full of moss. There are also different kinds of mosses where the green walls can be made out of.
A similarity is that both preserved- and living green walls can be full of leaves and branches. They can both truly create the feeling of a 'garden on the wall'.
Do preserved green walls also produce oxygen and are they good for you and your surroundings? The answer to the last part of the question is definitely yes, but please see our other article 'Do Preserved Trees and Green Walls Produce Oxygen?' for more detail. This is also a positive similarity for living- and preserved green walls.
The Benefits
Now why do preserved green walls prosper indoors, in regards to living green walls? We've put it in a summary.
Opposite of living green walls, preserved green walls...
Don't need any maintenance, only dust needs to be removed
Don't need water installation and watering
Are an investment. You earn back your green wall, because you're saving on maintenance costs.
Will keep their quality and stay representative for years to come.
Have a warranty of 5 years(!)
If you want a green wall indoors, preserved green walls are definitely the way to go. You'll be able to get the same look and feel of a living green wall, but you'll be able to earn back your investment, because of the savings on maintenance and replacements. All of this, without the loss of quality.